
Weekly email prompts - Day 2

I chose one writing prompt to feature for this blog. Ode to mom.
What is the greatest intangible gift given you?
I don't recall if it was a graduation card or just a birthday card, but there is one particular card my mother gave me that I had on display in my room for a while (until I packed it up, moved and am unsure of where it is now) of which I held dear to me because of the message held inside. While I'd like to find that card again to display, I don't need the tangible item because the message is in my heart.
    My mother expressed in written words that she was proud of me. I have not really done anything note-worthy in my life, no outrageous achievements, no overwhelming success and for some reason I find it hard to say "I love you" to my family even though I truly do and appreciate all the support and love they've given to me. Despite all that, my mother is still proud of me. This means a lot to me because I try to be a good person and I try not to be a horrible daughter.
    At one point in our relationship, my mother had told me that she thought she did a bad job being a mother. My response was to feel that I'd let her down. I don't know what changed her mind or what made her feel so strongly to say that in the first place, but reading that card a few years later made me cry happy tears. I hope I can continue to make her proud. I know it is because of her that I am the nice, strong, generous person I am today. She set examples for me, and while she may not think I took notice, I did and do my best to follow them.
    Now if only I wrote this in time for Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. My mom's reply on FaceBook:
    "I have always been a proud of you! You were faced with many obstacles; from the consent family interruption due to cancer and the death of a close friend/relative, this was a lot for such a younger person to endure. you hand bumps along the way,but you never gave up on life. I am very proud of who you are today and look forward to what you will become in the future. I am a very lucky women to have 3 very loving children and hope you pass on the values in life to your children that I have tried so hard to model for you. Love you { arms stretched out } THIS MUCH!!"


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