
Daily creative writing prompt - day 5

Day 5's topic is obviously a line from Alice in Wonderland and because of that I couldn't get off the topic. However, instead of telling the actual story, I tried to tell a different version. This is Alice as an adult who has found herself in a very familiar situation.

#309 - "Start your story with this line: 'Alice tried to remember who had given her the key'."

Alice tried to remember who had given her the key. She knew it hadn't been in her pocket earlier in the afternoon because she had gone to the local market to pick up some mushrooms and a loaf of bread for dinner and had pulled her wallet from one pocket and put the receipt in the other. There was no key in her pocket at that time. She had then come home and set the groceries down on the kitchen counter when she looked up and noticed a rabbit nibbling in her garden.
With pride in her garden and anger in her heart, she had stormed out the back door to protect her award winning squash and tell the rabbit to scram. She chased it around the porch and as she was about to slow her pace with a sense of success, she saw a glint of something. The rabbit was holding something reflective in its hand and she couldn't tell what it was. Somewhat worried that it was injured, more-so curious to see what a rabbit could possibly have that was reflective, Alice continued her pace and chased after it.
In hindsight, Alice really should have just ignored it and got to working on dinner, or at the least put the mushrooms in the fridge so that they wouldn't go bad. However, Alice now finds herself in a tiny room hunched over a tiny table with scrapped up knees, a bump on her head, a tiny key in her hand which she had found in her pocket seconds earlier, and with a curious expression on her face, she couldn't help feeling for some reason that she'd been here before.

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