Day 4 of creative writing got me to talk a little about my break up with Stuart.
#35 - "List 10 challenges you've faced in the last 3 months. Pick one challenge and write about it."
1. Finding a balance between my happiness to be a camp councilor I've dreamt of since I was 18 and the misery and uselessness I feel being unemployed for so long.
2. Discovering that my emergency back up fund is a measly $200 instead of $1,000 it was a year ago.
3. Finding the strength and making the decision to break up with Stuart.
4. Doubting the decision I was so proud of because Stuart is trying so hard to be in a realtionship again.
5. Finding another roommate.
6. Dealing with the current roommate who is barely paying rent.
7. Being sick for 2 weeks.
8. Cutting back on alcohol purchases.
9. Not being able to go to karaoke for 3 weeks.
10. Dealing with the roommate shuffle and the complaints that come from it.
How can you tell what one's true intentions are? If they say "I want that too," how do you know they're telling the truth and not just saying it because you feel the same way?
I'm having a hard time deciding whether Stuart truly wants to be back in a relationship with me to pursue a future, or if he just wants me back because we've had four years together and he's used to having me around? I'm curious to know if he's fighting so hard to just keep the stability rather than actually wants to progress.
When we were together, topics like marriage and kids were few and far between, and I hardly got any responses so conversations never met their full potential. Because it felt like he didn't want to talk about it, I had to assume that meant it wasn't important to him. Maybe even something he wasn't willing to ever achieve in the future. Because he didn't want to talk about things and I'm not a mind reader, I had to assume his stance on them and I assumed it was that he actually didn't want kids and marriage wasn't something he was interested in.
Because I wanted these things at some point and because I don't believe it's fair to be with someone who doesn't want the same large things in life as yourself, I wanted to break up. I told him this in February; "do you agree? Do you have anything to say?" and he did not. That was his chance to say "no, I don't think that's right, I think I can prove to you," but he didn't. Instead he was totally fine with it for a month, then Jekyll and Hyde for another month, and now he's desperately trying to get me back, to the point where he's smothering me.
He showed up to karaoke every week for a while, something he didn't used to do. He bought me flower like 3 times, something he never used to do. He all of a sudden wanted to play D&D, something he always said "fuck off" to in the past. And while some of these things are nice, and the gesture was kind, it would piss me off more because he had the capacity to do these things, yet never thought to do them in the past.
I really am unsure what to do. He's said I'm the only person he's dated that he has actually thought, 'yes, I can marry this girl' and 'yes, I want to have a baby with this person' but is it really true? Is he just saying that to get me back? Does he actually WANT a kid? If he doesn't really want a kid, and doesn't really want to be married but he's willing to go through these things to be with me, is that not selfish of me? Selfish of himself? I want to be with someone who WANTS these things so I don't feel like it's my fault if he ends up unhappy.
But there's really no way to tell, I just have to try and take his word for it. :(
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