
Daily creative writing prompt - day 3

Day 3 of creative writing. I hope the list makes you smile and giggle a little. I know the last one made me laugh, and I wrote it.

#7 - "Electricity is a recenty discovery. Think of 12 things to do when there's no power."
1. Have sex.
2. Play basketball outside (if it's daytime).
3. Take a bath by candle light.
4. Play acoustic guitar.
5. Write a story/read a book/draw a comic.
6. Panic about the food in the fridge going bad.
7. Coloring boooookkk!!!!
8. Drive to someone's house that has power and do powerful things.
9. Cell phone is an even newer discovery. Play/talk on that.
10. Drive yourself insane by thinking "at least I can get some chores done" and realizing, no, you can't wash your clothes, no you can't cook dinner, no you can't vaccum, etc.
11. Speculate that it's the end of the world and scribble your last words and speedy memoir on the walls.
12. Make a list of 12 things you'll do when the power is back on.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if you could rig some sort of apparatus to the bed to generate power via sexing.

    And, as long as your stove is gas-supplied, you can still cook, you'd just have to light the burner(s) with a match since the pilots wouldn't be able to spark. And it'd probably be not-the-greatest-idea to be opening the fridge up a bunch during a power outage, but cooking is doable!


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