
Furloughs... again

NOTE: I seem to have unlearned how to color code my damn posts.

This is either the second or third time we've had to do a quarter of furloughs. This one is the worst though. This time it's a total of 10 days. But the bright side of this is that we can choose to take unpaid furlough or paid holiday for those 10 days. 'Furlough' automatically gives off a bad vibe because people associate it with a business not meeting goals, so naturally quite a few of my co-workers (me included) were upset.

But then we started thinking about what to do in this time and we realized how great it will be. Unlike the last time we took furloughs under the reign of my old boss, this time I will feel comfortable asking for multiple days off at a time. When Dobbs was the managing editor, I took pride in being so depended on to get my job done, but since I didn't really have anywhere to vacation (and no money to vacation with), I didn't care about taking multiple days off at a time. The one time I thought about it, I realized it would never happen. But now that I work with people who know how to do my job (granted, at first I was pretty terrified that it meant that I was going to be replaced), I feel like my job will get done without me.

So, a few things planned: a Sunday outing with Chamie, Joy J. and possibly Kevin on this sky tram thingy that we got a coupon to earlier in the year, a few day visit to Sulvang (Sulvane?) with Chamie, possibly a visit to AZ to meet a friend I have only talked to online for over 4 years (she loves karaoke) and an hour drive from there to visit my cousin and her significant other whom I haven't met (her and I have been talking more because of FaceBook - thanks social networking!). There is another trip I might take, but I'm waiting a bit more to really think on that one. As of right now I'm slowly gathering information about a round trip ticket to AZ and car rental.

I'm currently working on my final business project (well, not at this moment of course, because here I am blogging). I need to write a blog on some items I purchased on Etsy recently as well as updates on projects from kickstarter. I will soon. For now, back to that project.

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