
Kick in the blog

Watching: Little Miss Sunshine

I realize I haven't posted anything in a long time regarding my kickstarter projects (and by 'my' I mean projects I've backed). So this entry is dedicated to them. I haven't backed any new ones lately so it's a good time to introduce ones that have been progressing.

Josephine and the Roach - Dec. 6 J&tR backers were informed that the role of Josephine has been cast and things are going smoothly. As part of my prize pack I received a postcard with a drawing of a cockaroach in a scene of my choice. And here it is:
Mr. Roach getting ready for a hot date. <3

ReMIND: a graphic novel - With my reward bracket I get a copy of the book as well as get is signed. The art looks great and the concept is cute.

Punk Mathematics - This caught my eye real fast. First of all, I hate math but I love learning. Secondly, the project creator just looks crazy and explains the concept of the book well. The price wasn't too bad either so I had to try it out. Part of my prize (including the book) is an index card with a concept from the book on it. I'm really after the book obviously.

PAPER MACHINE: Muster Zine - A cute collection of written work and art by a selection of people. It reminds me of something I used to do as a kid so I thought why the hell not. Still waiting on a copy, but the updates make it seem like it's getting realy close.

Let There Be Letters - This project finished a while ago. I had a letter sent to Chantal and one sent to me. Chantal flipped out because she thought she had a stalker. She called me just about crying. It was very funny afterwards. I received my letter a few days later (written on paper it seems the gentleman made himself). It took me a while to return a letter but I'm hoping to get a second one back (I believe I signed up for the bracket that guarantees a second reply). This project inspired me to do a penpal project with my Gaia friends. A few contributed but it hasn't really gone anywhere.

Caldera - "An animated short film about a girl struggling with mental illness." We all know how I'm into psychology. It caught my eye. I wasn't about to pay $50 for a DVD so I'm hoping it will make its mark so that I can get a DVD cheaper someday. My contribution gave me digital stills (which are still in the works).

Seedbomb Vending Machines - Super cute idea. I got a cool slingshot with seedbombs to plant. I haven't used them but it's cool. Here are some photos:

That's it for now.

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