Grateful. That's what I think of when I recall the past weekend. Saturday night I was able to go out to the Brandin' Iron, and despite there only being two dances I did, I still had fun. Sunday I worked but I enjoyed a second Thanksgiving with my co-workers. Chantal made a Thanksgiving feast, Joy made an apple pie and I also enjoyed the company of Chantal's friend Chris (who I've met once before and wouldn't mind doing so again) and co-worker Kevin. I was filled with a sense of love. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like we're a lovely (bunch of coconuts?) group of friends (Chamie, Joy, Kevin, I). We enjoy weekly 'beer and wings' nights and I can't put in to words how amazing it feels to be part of something so seemingly minuscule yet immensely important to me. I am thankful for them. It's been a while since I've felt part of a tightly-knit group of friends.
Here is a photo of Chamie in the kitchen with the apron I got her for her birthday (Nov. 30!)
I also had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with Stuart and his parents which has become my Thanksgiving tradition, and I feel so welcome. I feel as if I'm a part of the family. :D And I like it.
Closing note: FUCK YOU BLOG! You won't color code my fucking post!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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