I haven't blogged in months and there was a lot that was missed.
(us at Little Tokyo in Los Angeles, I really like this picture)
(us tinted blue because we're at the Aquarium of the Pacific).
Went on a week vacation with Stuart and his family and extended family. I really enjoyed it despite the fact that I was worried I'd be smothered by socializing. I got a new car one week before the trip to be sure we didn't have any car problems driving out there (to Arizona/Utah - Lake Powell). I said I probably wouldn't be going next year because of the cost... but I honestly think if Stuart wants to, I'd like to go again. I enjoyed his family and extended family and I believe they enjoyed me as well.
Within the span of a month, the general manager at my work was laid off (the position was no longer necessary), one co-worker put in his two-week notice with the intention of returning to school, then three other co-workers, one after the other, put in their resignation with other jobs lined up. I festered, angry I couldn't go anywhere because I had no skills (and I couldn't get a job doing what I already was because it turns out our company doesn't use industry standard programs), I watched the ONE news reporter we had bend and fold under pressure, I saw our ONE sports reporter scramble to create a sports section he only became familiar with a few months prior and I saw panic and confusion seep through our tiny building.
In August an announcement was made; Pagination department was being moved to another location about 30-45minutes away. I was given the opportunity to keep my job (for no extra pay) or be laid off. I chose to be laid off. Before I chose, I cried. This was the third time I was being laid off and I'd promised myself I wouldn't come back after strike 3. That meant it was over for real this time. My future was a big lump of uncertainty, but I was certain that our company wasn't doing well and my position had no room for advancement, and since I'd been quietly musing to myself for months how wonderful it would be for them to lay me off so that I could look for another job while getting paid and not having to stress over the company woes anymore, it was really time to leave.
I signed up to be a consultant for Scentsy (www.nicholeo.scentsy.us) and so far I'm enjoying it. I feel I've been successful but I think it's just the initial pumped up start and won't keep this pace forever. It's occupying some of my endless free time and that's what I need. Still no answers back on resume's, but I won't start freaking out about that until 3 months of unemployment.
Regarding my living situation; in August Stuart and I left the 'Scum Mansion' to rent my old childhood home (still owned by my parents). We are living with Joyousenne, whom I've known since I was 19, and another couple who will be moving out at the end of October (otherwise there will be lots of tension). I'm enjoying it, being able to utilize the whole house instead of being restricted to just my room. We don't have to hide our food in our room anymore. I get to choose trustworthy roommates and this makes me happy.
So for now, my future is kinda just floating in Limbo. Not sure what I want to do, but I am going through the motions of trying to be responsible with my money and applying for jobs just to show proof of trying.
I'll try to blog a bit more, get some shit off my chest. Because honestly, I have no excuse not to... I've got all the time in the fucking world.
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