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Listening to: The sounds of my co-workers
I'm very behind in blogging. I've been pretty busy. The last few weekends were pretty jam packed.
I went to a cabin in the mountains with my family for a few days (Stuart too); a new tradition we started maybe 2 years ago. I'll post the few pictures I have but I'm still waiting for photos from family, even though I doubt I'll get them anytime soon.
This past weekend I attended the first show of Igor Spectre's Ten Years of Travesty Anniversary Tour, which was actually not really ON the tour, it was considered a secret show. It was at Shamrock's in Chino Hills and apparently, despite the fact that they brought in a lot of bodies, they were not paid because Rob (singer) threw the mic down and spilled water on the stage. I'm not sure if Brian (guitarist) kicking over a monitor was another reason because the stage guy didn't actually see him do it, and of course none of us ratted him out. "I don't know, it just fell" is what Ray said, haha. I'll edit this post to add the few photos I have.
Then on my next day off I spent it with Kristin running errands, eating lunch, watching her make my duck hat for the upcoming anime convention and watching Ponyo.

This coming weekend I will probably go to the Brandin' Iron because the last few Friday's I've been doing karaoke and kinda miss dancing. And then Sat/Sunday will be anime expo so I'm hoping I can sit my ass down Monday and get to fixing my blog.
Phew. :D
Listening to: Pandora (Silverchair Radio)
I was able to turn last night's shitty situation (being locked out of the house) into a productive one when I started work on a resume I said I'd do last week. High five me. I think I've come to the conclusion that even if the Facts (co. I work for) became less disorganized and screwy than it is now with all this power change, I should still go. I've constantly complained that I should be getting paid more than I currently do and it was always the love and pride in my job and the people I worked with that kept me from actually implementing any forward motion. Since that has deteriorated, I think it's my opportunity to wriggle my way out of here and upward. I still don't know what I want to do with my life but I think I have enough skill to do a clerical job and if I can get my hands on one that pays more than I'm currently being compensated, then I'm going to close my eyes and whisper to myself 'you deserve more' and click to send that resume.
I honestly do think I deserve more but I'm just scared to go get it because in reality I don't NEED more, but the higher reality on that is that things will be much better/easier for me if I do this now. More money isn't necessary, but it's best for me to get it now and save it up so whenever I do find an opportunity to get a house (why the hell is that my huge goal now? I'm sure it's irritating Stuart), I will have the means to do so instead of hanging my head and saying "If only..."
Igor Spectre is starting their 10-yr anniversary tour thingy. It's so nuts to know that I've been following them for about 8 of those years. I think I'm going to be bold and ask my boss for all of those days off. What could it hurt? Besides me getting less of a paycheck and eating up the teeny bit of vacation time I actually have. But I think I should do it. Follow 'my' band and enjoy it and not worry my eyeballs out that work won't get done without me. That's what always held me back from doing anything in the past. But now, the company is so eager to spread work across more people... sure, let the Sun or some other employee do my job so I can enjoy myself. I don't know how many employees out there think like I do. "If I go on vacation everyone else will have so much to do, I just can't leave." I gotta stop thinking that way. I don't want to be 40yrs old with 2 months of vacation time racked up because I was so busy worrying about things getting done. The thread and guild I run on Gaia has sort of showed me that I'm a control freak. Everything is organized just so and I get plenty of people who ask if they can help and I just can't see myself allowing that because things have to be done 'just so.'
So, back to Igor Spectre:
JUNE 26 - Shamrock's, Chino Hills (secret show)
JULY 10 - Bar Sinister, Hollywood
JULY 23 - The Double Down Saloon, Las Vegas
AUGUST 13 - Beauty Bar, Las Vegas
SEPTEMBER 15 - House of Blues, Anaheim
If you want more info feel free to contact me.
Watching: Family Guy
Friday I went to karaoke at Taylor's in Redlands. I read reviews that mentioned it was a hole in the wall and to those people I'd like to say 'have you been to the Dirty Bird? Because you do NOT know what a hole in the wall is' haha. I sang 'Hot Blooded,' 'Love is a Battlefield,' and 'You Were Meant for Me.' Ray sang 'Papa Was a Rolling Stone.' I'd like to go back soon. They have karaoke Thurs/Fri/Sat.
At work, we're going to work on me getting out of work on Friday's by 6pm. Time will tell how these thing work out. I still haven't written my resume but I will get to it soon. I honestly think I deserve more money. I'm 25 and thinking about a house of my own and the plain truth is that I can't get that with this job, especially since raises have been frozen the last 2 years.
Saturday morning I went to a Chili cook off with Chantal. It was a nice few hours and I found out Chantal is more of a pussy when it comes to hot food than I thought. Her eyes were watering over some of the chili and they were honestly not hot, just full of spices. However she did remind me that she ate ALL of it despite that her throat was on fire and I give her props on that. Here are some photos:
Went to Medieval Times Sunday for Stuart's bday. Happy birthday Stuart! His birthday was actually Monday, June 14 but he worked that day so there.
1. During the knight games they have to throw a joust at a target and one of the knights got the ... joust stick? stuck in the target and the guy pulling it out seriously was tugging on it for like a minute.
2. Our knight, the Blue knight, was a bad ass. He didn't win overall, but he won one fight and he fought dirty. I totally called the point when he kicked another knight in the nuts.
3. The middle of the show there are announcements. "Barbara is celebrating her divorce. Barbara, wherever you are, meet me at the bar after the show. *pause* Yeah, that's just how I roll." Also "Tom is celebrating his first time *looonnggg pause and a lot of laughter* Here. His first time here." We sat front row and got birthday cake. Also, the chicken dinner we had was called a baby dragon. :P
Notice Stuart's time period shoes :P He requested this pose.
Monday for lunch (today) we went to his parents house and ate some lobster tail, artichoke, shrimp, all sorts of yummy and topped off with a game of dominoes and strawberry shortcake type of desert. And now, Monday night, I shall be attempting to make creamy tomato-basil pasta with shrimp for dinner.
Watching: Law & Order
I would like to introduce this beautiful new layout. Krys, a lovely lady whom I'm so proud to know, put it together for me. The ducky on the top is done by a Gaia friend of mine named Descry (if you didn't notice the signature). The art on the left, of my Gaia avatar on top of sushi, is also from Descry. He is a very talented man. Krys took the theme of ducks and sushi and put it all together so cute. The chopstick divider is adorable. Try and tell me this isn't amazing. :D
Things at work are getting real messy. The first two weeks with a new boss consisted of the new boss being absent due to surgery. Today is when she will actually be in the office as our boss for the first time. I am hoping that the next two weeks will be different. The Daily Facts is a special newspaper. We cover local news that no other papers would because they're viewed as unimportant. I think this newspaper is tangible proof of how Redlands is unique from other cities. This has been brought to the attention of our new boss. In the last two weeks, less local stories have gone in our paper. Nothing national or anything, but instead of staying within a few miles of Redlands, they've gone out a few cities, reaching out to Fontana news. I've complained a lot these last two weeks but my mind always said "just wait until the boss gets back and we'll all talk about what's been going on." So we will see what happens. I was on Craigslist yesterday looking for positions. I am prepared to leave my job. The company froze raises and there really isn't any other advancement I can do at my job, so I'm prepared to leave.
Watching: Stuart make a new track on Mod Nations Racers (and he just deleted one he was making for the last 30 minutes and I want to slap him)
I have no photos for you, just a few tidbits.
1. A gal working at the local subway said to me: "I almost didn't recognize you without your purple hair." She didn't mean I look bad with the color I have now, she just said it's different. I admit I miss my purple. :( Stuart loves to remind me that he misses it too.
2. Stuart was watching some guy ranting on YouTube about how atheists are like cancer cells; only live to consume and care only about themselves - they do not give to charity and do not do volunteer work. So that kinda seems like what he means to say is that humans alone are horrible animals and without God they cannot feel compassion or understand generosity, etc. That's quite a horrible outlook. We as humans are blood sucking beings without guidance from the lord. If humans didn't have God to shine his light on us, we'd all have killed each other by now. I think not. I personally don't believe in God but I'm not going to bash on someone else for believing in a higher power. But I do think it's bull to believe that only people who have strong ties with a religion can be a good person. I think I'm a great example. I love doing volunteer work and making other people happy and seeing a stranger smile or be able to enjoy life a little better because of something I did. That's not selfish. I don't need a higher power to show me how to treat my fellow man. I would actually love to find a volunteer organization which isn't tied to a religious group so I can support that. I'm a good person because I'm a good person, not because a higher power guided me to be one.
3. I think there was something else I wanted to talk about, but I got all crazy on that topic. So I'll leave you with that.
♥(Blogger Design by Sweetie Memoirs. Artwork by Descry.)♥