
Blog layout, work layout

Watching: Law & Order

I would like to introduce this beautiful new layout. Krys, a lovely lady whom I'm so proud to know, put it together for me. The ducky on the top is done by a Gaia friend of mine named Descry (if you didn't notice the signature). The art on the left, of my Gaia avatar on top of sushi, is also from Descry. He is a very talented man. Krys took the theme of ducks and sushi and put it all together so cute. The chopstick divider is adorable. Try and tell me this isn't amazing. :D

Things at work are getting real messy. The first two weeks with a new boss consisted of the new boss being absent due to surgery. Today is when she will actually be in the office as our boss for the first time. I am hoping that the next two weeks will be different. The Daily Facts is a special newspaper. We cover local news that no other papers would because they're viewed as unimportant. I think this newspaper is tangible proof of how Redlands is unique from other cities. This has been brought to the attention of our new boss. In the last two weeks, less local stories have gone in our paper. Nothing national or anything, but instead of staying within a few miles of Redlands, they've gone out a few cities, reaching out to Fontana news. I've complained a lot these last two weeks but my mind always said "just wait until the boss gets back and we'll all talk about what's been going on." So we will see what happens. I was on Craigslist yesterday looking for positions. I am prepared to leave my job. The company froze raises and there really isn't any other advancement I can do at my job, so I'm prepared to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Awww shucks. *blush* :D

    I hope one of a number of things happen... either 1.) They figure out what is going on at your work to where it improves for you. 2.) You find a job with better pay, that works out better for you. & 3.) That James takes me out for sushi sometime in the next six months. HA HA HA! :P

    Luff you.


♥(Blogger Design by Sweetie Memoirs. Artwork by Descry.)♥