
Creativity Alley - 1

(from the 'Creativity Alley Jumpstart' program) http://writingbliss.com/
Possible Uses For...
This is one of the simplest block busting methods. It stimulates the mind and helps you break out of a functionally fixated mindset. This method involves thinking of an ordinary object and listing all possible uses for that object within a specified length of time. When you use this creative thinking method, you do not think about what that object is normally used for or how it is usually thought of.
For your first creative activity, list at least 20 original uses for tons of punched paper holes. Do this in 10 minutes or less. Describe each use in a sentence or two.
1. Confetti, multi-colored would be best. Cheaper than buying pre-made confetti, and a hastle to clean up!
2. Colorful mulch! Maybe, I don't actually know what mulch does.
3. Use along-side bubble stone thingies as decorative filling for vases
4. Can create the illusion of sprinkles on a paper-art cupcake.
5. Can be used to create the illusion of cobble stone in a miniature town structure.
6. Can be used to fill clear balloons to spice them up.
7. Can be used to pad something. Perhaps put them all in a plastic bag with something fragile.
8. Can be used to make a trail to the bedroom, preferably use white, red and pink. :)
9. Can be used as bedding for a small animal (ex: reptile, rodent)
10. Can be used to annoy the shit out of a friend, surprise bomb the inside of their car if they have a habit of leaving the window down! That will teach them a lesson.
11. Can be used in monster make-up to create the illusion of peeling skin or scales.
12. Can be used to make children laugh. Pretend to sneeze and blow it all over the place!
13. Align punches in forms of letters, glue them down, laminate and you have a bookmark!
14. Use them when painting to create a bubbly/raised illusion. (It will probably look shitty though)
15. Make a shit-ton and blow them in front of a fan to create the illusion of SNOW!!!
16. Annoy your friends by sending these in a letter, so while they're happy they got a letter, now they're upset that they have to clean it up and that possibly their animals are at their feet trying to eat it.
17. Create a game where contestants choose a balloon (but cannot touch, just from a distance) and all at once everyone pops their balloon over their head and the one with the hole punches/confetti/big mess all over them, wins! Game of chance.
18. Use them to help teach a child to count or basic math skills.
19. Use them to create snowglobes (probably without the water).
20. Stuff a bunch in a bag for a make-shift pillow.

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