Watching: Stuart play Dead Space II
Yesterday's was due to an epiphany and today is because I woke up feeling pretty damn good about myself.
On my list of short-term goals was for me to do a minimum of 20 situps each morning and not to sleep any more than 8hrs. I achieved both of those. I eventually want to start doing more situps, but for now it's painful doing 20 because it hurts my lower back. I think I should buy some sort of pad for those.
I even had an apple for breakfast before going off to do my taxes. I left a little too early so I stopped by Fresh & Easy and got some flavored hummus I'd been meaning to get as well as some mini bagels. Charles, my tax guy, noted how I look like I've lost weight. God I love it when people say that! We discussed that and what we did to get where we are (because he said he'd lost some weight too). I had a feeling of confidence. Charles is pretty easy to talk to and I enjoyed the conversation.
Stuart and I went to the gym last night for the first time. There was no one there. :D I did about 45mins of cardio (I wanted to do an hour but I accidentally hit stop and didn't know what time I left off at) and did a few leg exercise machines. I'm a little sad that they don't have the crunch 'table' that we had at the school gym where you basically lay down on a bench and do sit ups but there's a bar part to keep your feet down). There's a crunch machine where you sit in it like a chair and I guess are supposed to pull the arm levers down and the leg levers up as if in a crunch, but I don't like it as much. I read The Spark while I was briskly walking. :D Productive day.
You're doing great! I'm so proud of you! ♥