
Thankful for acceptance

Watching: Airplane! (RIP Leslie Nielson)

Grateful. That's what I think of when I recall the past weekend. Saturday night I was able to go out to the Brandin' Iron, and despite there only being two dances I did, I still had fun. Sunday I worked but I enjoyed a second Thanksgiving with my co-workers. Chantal made a Thanksgiving feast, Joy made an apple pie and I also enjoyed the company of Chantal's friend Chris (who I've met once before and wouldn't mind doing so again) and co-worker Kevin. I was filled with a sense of love. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like we're a lovely (bunch of coconuts?) group of friends (Chamie, Joy, Kevin, I). We enjoy weekly 'beer and wings' nights and I can't put in to words how amazing it feels to be part of something so seemingly minuscule yet immensely important to me. I am thankful for them. It's been a while since I've felt part of a tightly-knit group of friends.
Here is a photo of Chamie in the kitchen with the apron I got her for her birthday (Nov. 30!)

I also had a wonderful Thanksgiving lunch with Stuart and his parents which has become my Thanksgiving tradition, and I feel so welcome. I feel as if I'm a part of the family. :D And I like it.

Closing note: FUCK YOU BLOG! You won't color code my fucking post!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Living in sin

Listening to: The sound of Stuart making breakfast (SHOCK!)

I went to my grandparents house yesterday for lunch which was different. At some point my grandpa asked when I was going to get married. I kind of laughed at him because I just discussed that my boyfriend delivers pizza for his new job, and his old job was working at a gas station. I asked him why I should get married and he said it's because I'm living in sin. Then my grandmother interjected and grandpa followed up with "I'm just joking around." But the way my grandmother reacted to it, I'm sure he wasn't joking around, he just didn't want a heated argument.
So since I didn't get to say what I wanted to say to him, I'll say it here (because my blog needs some updates anyway).

I'd rather live in sin than live in regret and disappointment. I've told a few people that Stuart, being the person he is, I can see us being together for a long time. However, I decided a while ago that if I'm going to dedicate the rest of my life to someone, that person needs to show that they can take care of me. I don't want to spend anymore of my life taking care of someone else (unless it's my kid). I'm not going to get married until my soon-to-be-spouse has a decent job and (here's the hard one) we don't live in a house full of roommates. I might accept one roommate, but I'd rather not. I'd like to have a house to ourselves, but that is honestly looking very bleak. I don't have the money and he sure as hell doesn't have the money, so I'm really stuck here. It'd be stupid of us to move out into an apartment that is almost double what we're paying now just for some privacy.

So I'll either remain living in sin or certain things will need to change. I've been with Stuart almost 3 years and am incredibly proud of myself. If money wasn't an issue, there would be very little upsets in our relationship. Some changes need to be made, so I'm on the lookout for those.


Listening to: The bubles in my soda pop

So my mother's birthday is Oct. 20 and I completely forgot to call and tell her. On Oct. 29 (my birthday) my grandmother called and she brought up that my mother had surgery on a malignant tumor in her neck. So I felt horrible on two counts now (even though it's been pointed out that it's not entirely my fault that I didn't know she was having surgery since she didn't tell me, but the other side is that I hardly call to talk to her). My mother has been going to school full time with a full time job since I moved out of her house. And recently she told me that she has a second job (part time) at the ER. Working in the ER is a high-stress job. My mother is always going going going. She really needs to slow down. :(

For my birthday:
Friday - a few friends met me at the Brandin' Iron (even though I couldn't get there until 10:45pm and we stayed for about 2hrs)

Saturday - saw the bands Janelle Monae and Of Montreal
Sunday - sat at home all day until Stuart got off work, went to Red Robin for my free birthday burger
Monday - Lunch with my dad at Red Lobster

So as noted above; Stuart has a job. He's delivering pizza for Dominoes. Lets see how this goes.
♥(Blogger Design by Sweetie Memoirs. Artwork by Descry.)♥