
Growing, changing

Currently watching: Ninja Warrior

Last week I went with my mom to a photography studio to get graduation pictures taken. They turned out cute. When they come in, I'll be sure to post them. Of course. On top of mom and I graduating (exciting), my friend Chantal is now DONE with college. She's 21 and done. How exciting. Smart gal.

So my purple just isn't as purple as it used to be. The purple in my hair. Instead of it lasting for 2-3 months, it's fading to blue and then sea green/teal in about a month. Very uncool. This has been going on for like 6+ months so I've just about had it. I confessed this to my hairdresser who passed it along to my boss (her mom) and it flew through the office before the end of the day. So it went from a passing thought, to an "I'm gunna do it." I've decided on black cherry. I've always loved that color but when the time came to dye my hair, purple won. It's just been my thing. As a co-worker said, he doesn't even know what I look like without purple hair. I've been dying it completely purple for 2 years now, streaked purple for over 2 years before that, so this is kinda a big deal. I think I will ask my hair dresser to start with just dying the top and leaving the purple that actually stays in my hair (under the main top layers). That should make it look interesting. Now I need to figure out how to cut/style it. I'm thinking maybe I can do it Thursday. I guess we will see, eh? ;)

Thanks for reading.

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