Listening to: Pandora radio, Incubus Radio station
I've been looking at this hundreds of times a day this week because I've set it as a background on my phone so I wanted to share it with you:
This was taken a few weeks ago at the Orange Muffin Festival in Redlands - the same place I fell in love with those goddamn messenger bags. These are scented cupcake candles. Cute, yes? Yes. That's why it's my background. Colorful and cute.
Also, I was turned on to this week (today actually) and it allows you to make 'movies' by just typing. You choose characters, setting, dialog and viola! Here's one I made right quick.
This little conversation was on my mind for a day or two, just sitting under the here-and-now thoughts. Not sure why, but there it is.
Tomorrow I will post pictures of my new hair. And most likely a few more by Saturday since I'll be going out with 'the girls' Friday night.
Last week I went with my mom to a photography studio to get graduation pictures taken. They turned out cute. When they come in, I'll be sure to post them. Of course. On top of mom and I graduating (exciting), my friend Chantal is now DONE with college. She's 21 and done. How exciting. Smart gal.
So my purple just isn't as purple as it used to be. The purple in my hair. Instead of it lasting for 2-3 months, it's fading to blue and then sea green/teal in about a month. Very uncool. This has been going on for like 6+ months so I've just about had it. I confessed this to my hairdresser who passed it along to my boss (her mom) and it flew through the office before the end of the day. So it went from a passing thought, to an "I'm gunna do it." I've decided on black cherry. I've always loved that color but when the time came to dye my hair, purple won. It's just been my thing. As a co-worker said, he doesn't even know what I look like without purple hair. I've been dying it completely purple for 2 years now, streaked purple for over 2 years before that, so this is kinda a big deal. I think I will ask my hair dresser to start with just dying the top and leaving the purple that actually stays in my hair (under the main top layers). That should make it look interesting. Now I need to figure out how to cut/style it. I'm thinking maybe I can do it Thursday. I guess we will see, eh? ;)
I had forgot to mention in my entry that I have (unfortunately) seen one of my roommates penis, of which I am apparently the last of the household to have seen. I live with 6 guys and most of them have seen one another. Not quite sure what that's all about. In this instance a majority of the household was sitting outside drinking and smoking talking about the party that had gone on the night before. There is an old tub out back which they use to fill up with ice and put beverages in it. This roommate was sitting in the tub that was halfway full, I'm guessing it was some leftover melted ice, sipping champagne in the buff. I'm sure I shouldn't be too upset about that, but I am. I feel like I live with immature people. I think it's because that's not where I am in my life right now. I'm trying to save up money to get a place where Stuart and I can be alone, where I can feel a sense of achievement and I'm not getting that feeling in this house. Two of my roommates are unemployed and spend a large chunk (if not all) of their money on titties and booze. Just the though if people gobbling up government money and not giving a shit and doing nothing to find another job really pisses me off.
A kickstarter update: Pesi, the artist who put together and achieved funding for the 1024 art project, has... well I just said it; achieved funding for the project. I will, once the project is complete and displayed at the art festival he is submitting it to, receive 4 original framed paintings inspired by a word or phrase I provided to him as well as a book which includes pictures of my art as well as many others associated with the project. Fantastic.
I recently backed a new project -Caldera - an Animated Short Film. A synopsis the project creator leaves: "Caldera is an animated short film about a young girl struggling with mental illness. When she goes off her medication, she abandons a bleak metropolis to immerse herself in the lush world seen through her magnificently vivid mind." It has over 2 months to go and is a few hundred from its goal, so this will be nice. I'm hoping that there will be DVD's for sale outside of the project because I don't want to donate $50.
Personal note: I made the final payment on my car today so my 2003 Hyundai Elantra is all mine. About 5 years of payments and it's mine mine mine. Now the harder part will be to NOT SPEND that extra money and put it into savings. I would really really like to not be living in the place I am, with the people I am, by the new year. I would love love love to have my own house. This also means I'd love love love Stuart to get a better job and perhaps make the big commitment to help me with the down payment and/or monthly payment. I know that's kind of a lot to ask from a guy, but I do see myself living in a house with him and calling it our house. I've been with him for 2yrs 3mo now and every now and then when I look at him I get butterflies. And also having my own house means I can have a puppy, and I want a fucking puppy.
Another exciting thing I did today was put in an application for the Pepsi refresh project - that one thing that they have a commercial for where they are giving out grants to people with ideas and if people vote for your idea, you get the grant. I actually didn't submit it yet because I have to wait until May for the next round, but I figured I'd take a shot at it and it's all laid out. It's for my lotto dream; to have a restaurant which serves good food (the company doesn't promote alcohol so I can't have a bar), has an area for live musical performances and will be able to transfer profits to certain charities. Spiffy? I think so. I would really love to get behind that because not only do I love supporting local music, I have loved volunteering since my childhood (I think it has a lot to do with my mom making goody bags for the other cancer patients on holidays that were stuck in the hospital) and love knowing that people are benefiting from my actions. So if anyone likes this idea and you win the lotto, don't forget to kick me back a few thousand, yeah?
Well, quite a lot has happened this weekend even though if I count in my head, it wasn't really that much.
Friday was setting up to be a pretty uneventful day. I went to the pet store and Wal Mart (and bought a bra that doesn't fit because that's how little I shop) and sat at home bummed with nothing to do until I made plans to go to hookah in Riverside with an old friend, Jimmy. I haven't seen him in like 3 years, and I don't go to Riverside often so I took the opportunity to grab me some Yoshinoya. Love that place. So sad it's not around here anymore. There used to be one in San Bernardino and one in Rialto. So that was nice.
Saturday I tagged along with Chantal to the Orange Muffin Festival. Thankfully we got there as it was ending so I didn't have to cringe my way past too many bags of wrinkles. I bought a ring and a nice choker from a jewelry booth. There was an interesting booth where notepads and sketchpads were made from rescued old hard back book covers. Very interesting. Also, I fell in love with a messenger bag from a lady named Candy who owns and sells scarves (not interested myself) and dyes fabric to make notebook covers, totes, clutches, messengers bags, etc. It was $134. :( So that's the sad face of it, but the happy face of it is that Chantal found out how much I really was sad about it and said that soon we will get together and have a go at making one ourselves. I would honestly love to try and make one myself. Her prices are high due to her 'sketchy' design and it's hand made and all that jazz. I remember being so proud of myself and happy with the outcome of the duct tape clutch I'd made for Joy (it melted, it doesn't exist anymore) and would like to try my hand at crafts like that again.
We all got off work early because the Run Through Redlands was Sunday and needed to go in Monday's paper (which we usually dish out Saturday) and since Rob was having a huge party at the house, I was generously offered sleep on Chantal's couch. Thank you Chantal. Stuart was a little tipsy off of champagne pong so he called a few times to say goodnight and that he loves me (Awwws <3)
So I sucked bad at the run because I'm overweight and I have that thing wrong with my foot. Yup, full of excuses.
Wow, Sunday was a very eventful day. Over the last 8 weeks or so I had been rallying monetary support that would go towards Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times. Sunday morning I packed my car with a Joyousenne and a Ray and we went down to Victoria Gardens to join other supporters in a 5K walk for this cause. We met up with my mom, brothers, cousins Sarah, Cynthia and Elissa (crap, I hope I didn't spell that wrong), an aunt and uncle as well as two friends who came down from Hesperia (and were there at 6am, crazy mo-fos) which I was very thankful for. After the walk we ended up sticking around for 2 hours so we could wait for Vince's Spaghetti (in Rancho Cucamonga - if you haven't been, please do, it's Dee-lish) to open for lunch and everyone (excluding Sarah who went home to do homework) was in attendance. Vince's has been a family tradition forever. Also went to Best Buy and picked up Journey Essentials, a 2-disc set of Journey hits (a Journey song played on the radio and I was on a shopping high so I decided I needed to ride it) and MGMT's Oracular Spectacular. Good times. Here are some highlights of the day!
Surprise #1: By raising $100 I received an event T-shirt (I knew about that prize) and by raising $250 I earned a hat. In all I raised $330 which made me the top earner on our team! In all, we were able to raise over $1,000.
Surprise #2: Ray went into the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory store and 'placed an order for chocolate covered strawberries' on the 3rd lap. We found out on the 4th lap that he wasn't joking and proceeded to coax us with them until we finished the final lap. You could say it was a sweet finish?
Surprise #3 (pt1): I never go to Victoria Gardens so I didn't know there was a Borders bookstore. I've had some Borders/Waldenbooks gift cards for a few years and they were still in my wallet, so I was able to use the $31.06 I had on those ( I LOVE gift card surprises). With that money I bought 2 mangas (Gantz 1 and 2), a manga for my brother who was begging, manga for Joy because it was under $10 and I came across a sushi starter kit for $20. Comes with a book, DVD, chopsticks, plates, dipping bowls and the roller thingy. Whee!
Surprise #3 (pt2): Not only did I use my gift cards, I was also informed that because we participated in the walk, we got 10% off the purchase and even MORE - because I bought more than $40 worth, I received 2 tickets to the Ren fair. :P
Back tracking to Friday; I went to the Brandin' Iron. Yup, it's true. Co-workers Joy and Chantal have been wanting me to go with them and I had nothing to do and was sad so I ended up going. It was pretty fun but Joy and I were upset because Chantal was refusing to dance with us. :( Joy rode the bull - I filmed it but it's so damn dark in that corner that I didn't get a good video. That makes me sad. Ray came down around 10 or so and I gotta start letting him know when I'm down for the count on drinks because he kept buying them for me and I was pretty trashed. I've got a gruesome bruise on my hand from falling while dancing. :(
Back tracking again, now to Friday morning, I went to Gazzolos European Restaurant in San Bernardino with Vidya and Stuart. Vidya is moving in a few days to Austin, TX. This makes me sad but we will be in contact. Vidya is the only roommate I'm still fully in contact with. Will miss you.
I went to Best Buy yesterday to purchase the newest Sick Puppies CD (it was always in the back of my mind but I'm very forgetful) as well as a Chevelle CD (because I remember when I hear a montage of their songs I say "hey, I like them"). As I was walking through the parking lot, a car decided to not let me walk in front of him and kept driving. I though alright, fine and proceeded to walk behind his car, however he decided to stop abruptly and then proceed to BACK INTO ME to get into a parking spot he missed because he was too busy being a jerk to cut me off from walking in front of him in the first place. WTF is wrong with people? Recall that part that goes "pedestrians have the right of way"? Or maybe "running into people with your car is bad"? No, he didn't hurt me and I really should have started yelling at him, but I'm not really that kind of a person. Now, if he'd run into my other leg, that would have been different. I wouldn't have been able to control the scream that would have lept out because I had a bruise on that knee.
Side note: I thought to myself today of keeping a tiny notepad in my purse and writing down every time I ran into something which I thought might result in a bruise just so I can find out if the bruises I find really are from me or... I don't know. I get bruises and go "what the hell?"
Happy note: As of today, April ... oh hell, the damn blog is dated - I only owe $150(ish) on my car until I own it! And another wonderful note tacked onto this is that there are 3 paychecks in this month so I can use my next paycheck to pay that off and still be able to pay rent for May! It's MINE! I own it! How cool is that?! I've been driving it since 2005. My trusty Squeekums.
Yet another project I've backed has raised the necessary funds to get going! This time it's a film and it's about a monster. The monster is going to be REAL (as in tangible rather than CG animation) and that sounds pretty cool. Wanna read about it or watch the short video they made explaining the concept? Visit My Name is Dennis.
This Sunday is Easter and the following Sunday is the 5K walk to raise funds for Camp Ronald McDonald for Good Times. I have raised $300 and am so proud of myself. :D Okay okay, $80 of it is mine, but that's all money that goes to the camp that played such a big part in my childhood.
This is a short update but it's an update none-the-less.